Aspirin Use: Risks Versus Benefits

Aspirin Use

Aspirin is commonly used to relieve pain caused by headaches, muscle aches, toothaches and other ailments or conditions. It can even help reduce fevers as well as pain and swelling. For a while, medical experts recommended those at-risk for cardiovascular disease take low-dose (80mg) aspirin daily prevent heart attacks and strokes. However, there may be a major health risk in doing so.

Taking Too Much Aspirin is Risky

The idea that aspirin can help prevent strokes and heart attacks has been accepted as fact. But last year, three clinical trials revealed taking aspirin every day could result in some serious health problems, including bleeding risks. As a result of these findings, the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology changed their clinical practice guidelines by recommending that individuals over the age of 70 or those that have an increased bleeding risk avoid taking aspirin on a daily basis.

In one of the studies, researchers discovered many Americans over the age of 40 were taking aspirin every day to prevent cardiovascular disease, and the majority of them did it without the knowledge or advice of their doctors. Researchers found almost 25% of these Americans (roughly 29 million people) were taking daily aspirin despite the fact they didn’t have cardiovascular disease. Additionally, roughly 50 percent of adults over the age of 70 without a history of heart disease or stroke were also taking aspirin every day. 

Ask Your Doctor When Aspirin Should be Taken

There’s usually no harm in taking aspirin sporadically as a mild pain reliever, which is its intended use. If you’re considering taking aspirin daily to prevent heart attacks or strokes, you should speak with your doctor first. If you’re not at risk for cardiovascular disease or if you have an increased bleeding risk, don’t take aspirin daily without your physician’s recommendation. To remain up-to-date with the latest health research and studies, keep visiting us at The Benefits Store.

The Disadvantages and Benefits of Cell Aging

It doesn’t matter how healthy people are, eventually they will begin to age. The older they become, the more likely they are to experience health issues, such as arthritis, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

A new study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry focused on how the aging process works by observing cell aging. Researchers are optimistic; their findings could help pave the way for new drugs and treatments that could improve the health of people as they age.

What Causes Cell Aging?

One of the main reasons why people age is senescence. Senescence is a process in which cells stop creating new cells. It’s a natural process that often leads to age-related diseases, such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

Senescence cells are essentially the opposite of stem cells, which have the unlimited potential to divide or self-renew. Senescent cells can no longer divide. The study revealed the reason behind this: Senescent cells do not produce nucleotides; also known as “the building blocks” of DNA.

During experiments, researchers discovered nucleotides are vital to the ability to divide when they forced young cells to stop producing nucleotides. As a direct result, young cells become senescent cells. It appears nucleotides are what keeps cells young. 

The research team also discovered senescent cells often have two nuclei and they don’t synthesize DNA. Previously, senescence had mostly been studied in fibroblasts, which are the most common cells that compose the connective tissue in animals. The research team focused on senescence in epithelial cells instead, which are the cells that line the surfaces of organs and structures where cancer is more likely to develop.

Is Preventing Cell Aging Possible?

One might think a better understanding of cell aging could help prevent many age-related conditions as a result. But senescent cells actually have a benefit as well.

Senescence cells act as a protective barrier against cancer. Completely preventing senescence cells would promote the growth of cancer cells. The development of certain drugs could help to remove enough senescent cells to promote healthy aging without increasing the risk of cancer.

Stay up-to-date with all the latest health news by continuing to visit us at The Benefits Store

Who Needs a Medic Alert Bracelet?

Medic Alert Bracelet

There are certain medical conditions that can cause unexpected medical emergencies. This can be very dangerous, especially if you lose consciousness. If this happens, you won’t be able to tell first responders about your condition. That’s why you’ll want to wear a Medic Alert bracelet.

What is a Medic Alert Bracelet?

A Medic Alert bracelet will inform first responders and medical professionals about any medical conditions you may have. The bracelet contains an individual ID number and MedicAlert’s toll-free phone number. This number allows medical professionals to reach MedicAlert 24 hours a day, seven days a week to obtain your vital health information which is stored on their secure database.

This information includes:

  • Allergies
  • Emergency contact
  • Medical conditions
  • Personal identification
  • Prescribed medications and dosages
  • Surgical history

Who Requires a Medic Alert Bracelet?

A medic alert bracelet is needed if you have any kind of medical condition that can be difficult to diagnose, like diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, and even severe allergies. It’s estimated roughly 20% of people have special medical problems that can be difficult to identify.

By wearing a medic alert bracelet, you help prevent mistakes. For example, if you’re allergic to penicillin and unconscious, a medic alert bracelet should ensure you’re not given a penicillin shot. 

August is Medic Alert Awareness Month. Medic alert bracelets speak on your behalf by providing your information and medical history when you can’t speak yourself. If you suffer from a specific medical condition, you should consider wearing one. For more health advice, visit us at The Benefits Store today.

What to Do If Your Brakes Fail

brake failure

Your brake system is one of your car’s most important features, playing an important role in keeping you and your passengers safe. Your brakes also help protect motorists that share the road you. That’s why you should have your brakes checked for potential brake failure by a professional, according to your manufacturer’s recommended service schedule.

August is Brake Safety Awareness Month. You should not only have your brake system inspected, but you should learn what to do if you experience brake failure while driving.

5 Steps for Dealing with Brake Failure

The following are 5 steps you should follow if you experience brake failure while you are driving:

  1. Remain calm – Panicking will only make things worse. Take a deep breath so that you can remember what you need to do next.
  2. Remove your foot from the gas – This might seem obvious, but a panicked driver sometimes continues putting pressure on the gas pedal. Take your foot off the gas so your car will begin slowing naturally.
  3. Turn on your hazard lights – People know that something is wrong when they see your flashers. This can ensure they’re more cautious about the situation and give you space.
  4. Downshift into neutral – Whether you’re driving a manual or automatic transmission, slowly downshift to a lower gear, gradually shifting to the lowest possible setting (“neutral” or “low.”). Downshifting too fast can damage your transmission.
  5. Park – Your emergency brake should allow you to park your car.

Keep these five steps in mind in case of brake failure. For more general safety tips, visit us at The Benefits Store today.