Posts Categorized: Health Insurance


Lung cancer may not cause any symptoms, especially in the early stages of disease. Therefore, it may first be detected on X-rays, CT scans, or other kinds of tests being done to check on another condition. The following signs and symptoms of lung cancer may also be caused by many other conditions and are not specific to…

Home Eye Safety Awareness

Because more eye injuries occur in and around the home, Prevent Blindness America has declared October as Home Eye Safety Awareness Month to help educate the public on steps that can be taken to avoid painful and costly injuries. Find information for your patients on the organization’s dedicated Web page: Each year in the…

Dental Hygiene: Good Oral Health

How to Observe National Dental Hygiene Month (NDHM) This year, NDHM is centered around the four components of good oral health maintenance.  Why is preventative oral health maintenance so important? Because if we all absorb the message of a diligent daily dental hygiene health regimen we can reduce things like kids tooth decay – about…

Breast Cancer: Raising Awareness

The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month of October is a chance to raise awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. Make a difference! Spread the word about mammograms and encourage communities, organizations, families, and individuals to get involved. When considering your breast cancer risk, it is important to remember that the overwhelming…

Life Insurance Awareness Month

Congress has proclaimed September “National Life Insurance Awareness Month,” and most states are making similar proclamations. More than 100 insurance companies and industry trade groups are expected to participate in the National Life Insurance Awareness Month campaign. While many Americans recognize that it is important to protect loved ones with life insurance, far too many…