Posts Categorized: Health Tips

Aspirin Use: Risks Versus Benefits

Aspirin Use

Aspirin is commonly used to relieve pain caused by headaches, muscle aches, toothaches and other ailments or conditions. It can even help reduce fevers as well as pain and swelling. For a while, medical experts recommended those at-risk for cardiovascular disease take low-dose (80mg) aspirin daily prevent heart attacks and strokes. However, there may be…

What to Do If Your Brakes Fail

brake failure

Your brake system is one of your car’s most important features, playing an important role in keeping you and your passengers safe. Your brakes also help protect motorists that share the road you. That’s why you should have your brakes checked for potential brake failure by a professional, according to your manufacturer’s recommended service schedule. August…

6 Tips for Water Safety

According to the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, drowning is a much bigger problem than people realize. In fact, it ranks third among leading causes of unintentional, injury-related deaths. Drowning is a much bigger risk for children. It’s estimated approximately 20 percent of the people that drown are 14 years old…

Breathing Technique Boosts Health and Performance

People sometimes forget just how important breathing is for our bodies; breathing is often taken for granted. By exercising your breathing, you can improve not only how your body performs when it comes to physical activities, but also your body’s general health as well. It’s why you should consider doing a five-minute breathing technique known…

The Truth About Protein


Anyone that works out on a regular basis knows how important it is to maintain a healthy diet for best results. Most people are aware working out requires a diet rich in protein. Even if you don’t work out, odds are you’ve heard of protein shakes. Drinking protein shakes every day may not have the…