Sports Safety: Protecting Your Eyes

Sports Safety: Protecting Your Eyes

Sports Safety: Protecting Your Eyes

Sports SafetyMost people are very conscious about sports safety in this day and age, especially once the danger of concussions became more well known. People will generally make sure to wear helmets and padding when playing contact sports to help prevent injuries. Unfortunately, while everyone is rightfully worried about keeping their heads and limbs from being injured, people don’t seem to worry about eye safety. Protecting your eyes is extremely important because eye injuries can be quite severe.

The Importance of Eye Sports Safety

While you’ll want to do everything you can to prevent injuries such as broken bones, those will often heal with time. An eye injury can potentially be permanent and can result in a permanent disability that can greatly compromise your quality of life. It’s why you should take extra precautions to protect against fractured eye sockets, scratched corneas, and vision loss while playing sports. All it takes is a wayward baseball or tennis ball, or even a flailing elbow or finger, to cause a serious eye injury.

Types of Sports Safety Equipment for the Eyes

There are different types of sports safety equipment to protect the eyes depending on the sport. The following are a few examples of the types of gear you should wear for each sport to help protect your eyes:

  • Football – For football, you should wear a full face guard along with an eye guard. Football is a full-contact sport, which means that you could easily injure your eyes during a tackle.
  • Hockey – Not only is hockey a full-contact sport, a fast-moving puck can easily fracture an eye socket, which is why you should wear a wire or polycarbonate mask.
  • Tennis – For tennis, goggles will help protect against wayward tennis balls.
  • Basketball – It’s not uncommon to get hit with a flailing hand or elbow while playing basketball, so wear goggles.
  • Baseball – When batting, you should wear a face guard along with goggles or eye guards to protect against wayward pitches.

Use sports safety equipment to protect your eyes. For more physical safety tips, be sure to visit us at The Benefits Store today.