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National Health Education Week

National Health Education Week

One of the reasons some people are less healthy than others is because they weren’t properly educated about their health. A person who hasn’t received the necessary health education, either as a child or as an adult, is more likely to suffer worse physical and mental health as a result.

To raise awareness about the importance of health education, National Health Education Week was established in 1995. National Health Education Week will be October 19-22, 2020.

The Importance of Health Education

Proper health education can help prevent ailments or physical diseases. But good health education can help people achieve better mental and social well-being. People are more capable of maintaining their own health with improved health education. They will also be less likely to participate in harmful behaviors that lead to disease and other issues (for instance, smoking or eating unhealthily).

Observing National Health Education Week

The idea behind National Health Education Week is to generate awareness of how important health education is. Here are a few examples of ways to do your part to improve awareness:

  1. Campaign for health education – Speak with local, state, or federal officials about how important their votes are to promoting good health.

  2. Schedule a check-up – There’s no better way to observe the importance of health education than to safeguard your own health. Get a check-up with your doctor and find out how you can maintain a healthier life. You can share the information your doctor has given you about maintaining a healthy lifestyle with family and friends.

  3. Share health information online – Share articles (such as this one) about health education and information in general on social media to generate more awareness. SOPHE (Society of Public Health Education) has online resources you can share as well.

Be sure to observe National Health Education Week in October. To stay up-to-date with the latest health news or to educate yourself about other health-related matters, continue to visit us at The Benefits Store.


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