Posts Tagged: earthquake safety tips

6 Tips for Earthquake Safety

earthquake safety

California has more than its share of earthquakes, which can happen without warning. In fact, it’s estimated that roughly two to three earthquakes occur in California every year that are big enough to cause moderate damage. Because of this, the Great California Shake-Out, an annual statewide earthquake drill, is held every October to help spread…

Earthquake Safety: Being Prepared

earthquake safety

Earthquake safety is something all California residents should be familiar with. If you live in Southern California, then odds are you’ve experienced a minor earthquake at some time or another. Usually, it’s not a big deal. You feel a slight shaking for a few seconds and then you move on with your day. However, California…

Earthquake Safety

Earthquake safety

Although earthquakes don’t occur everywhere in the country, they do occur in California on occasion. It’s been a while since a severe earthquake hit, but it’s still important to remain prepared. The state encourages its residents to stay informed about earthquake safety and promotes awareness for earthquake safety every year through its Great California “Shake-Out,”…

3 Earthquake Safety Tips

No major damage has been caused by earthquakes in California in the past few years, but it’s important that we know what to do for earthquake safety if a serious earthquake does hit. After all, California is an area that is earthquake-prone. That’s why the Great California Shakeout event is held every October 17 to…