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5 Facts About Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a serious issue that people often don’t realize they have. Or perhaps they are unable to recognize a friend or loved one that suffers from an eating disorder.

There are many types of eating disorders and not all of them result in the individual looking emaciated. Keeping this in mind, here are 5 facts that can give you a better understanding of eating disorders and how they may affect you:

  1. You can still be close to or even above your ideal body weight and suffer from an eating disorder. Patients who suffer from Bulimia Nervosa often appear to be at a healthy weight. However, they may be engaging in bingeing and purging behaviors. If they are constantly going to the bathroom following a meal, this may be a sign they are vomiting what they have just eaten. 

  2. The main cause of eating disorders is body dissatisfaction. A person who might be suffering from an eating disorder will often spend an inordinate amount of time looking at themselves in the mirror, may make frequent negative comments about their physical appearance, and will insist they are overweight even if they aren’t. 

  3. A disruption in normal eating patterns in a person can indicate they have an eating disorder. Common disruptions include:

  4. bingeing certain foods

  5. consuming excessive amounts of appetite suppressants

  6. developing a strong dislike for foods previously enjoyed

  7. drinking too much water and/or coffee

  8. eating smaller portions than usual

  9. no longer eating with others

  10. Individuals with eating disorders often develop eating rituals, such as moving their food around their plate, chewing for a long time before swallowing, cutting their food into smaller pieces, and taking much longer to eat. These rituals are meant to make it look like they are eating when, in fact, they are not.

  11. Eating disorders can be accompanied by:

  12. dental erosions

  13. hair loss

  14. irregular menstrual cycles

  15. low blood pressure and pulse

  16. low energy

  17. vulnerability to upper respiratory infections

These are five facts about eating disorders you should know. For more health tips, visit us at The Benefits Store.  


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