Posts Tagged: California health tips

The Great American Smokeout – November 18th

The Great American Smokeout event challenges people to quit on that day, or use the day to make a plan to quit. Did you know? Approximately 40 million American adults still smoke, and that Life expectancy for long-term smokers is approximately 14 years shorter than for nonsmokers. Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause…

Home Eye Safety Awareness

Because more eye injuries occur in and around the home, Prevent Blindness America has declared October as Home Eye Safety Awareness Month to help educate the public on steps that can be taken to avoid painful and costly injuries. Find information for your patients on the organization’s dedicated Web page: Each year in the…

Dental Hygiene: Good Oral Health

How to Observe National Dental Hygiene Month (NDHM) This year, NDHM is centered around the four components of good oral health maintenance.  Why is preventative oral health maintenance so important? Because if we all absorb the message of a diligent daily dental hygiene health regimen we can reduce things like kids tooth decay – about…

Cholesterol Education Month: Why it’s Important

Why National Cholesterol Education Month is Important It shines a light on a silent condition High cholesterol has no symptoms itself, but it can lead to blockages of your arteries. This can result in heart disease. National Cholesterol Education Month raises awareness about this potentially dangerous condition. It urges people to get checked A simple…

Extreme Heat: Tips & Tools to Stay Safe

Did you know? Extreme Heat causes more deaths each year than Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Lightning and Tornados combined! The number one weather-related killer is Heat, and kills by pushing the human body beyond its limits. In extreme heat and high humidity, evaporation is slowed and our bodies must work extra hard to maintain a normal…