Lifestyle & Diet For Healthy Heart

healthy heart

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet is important to have a healthy heart. This is especially true when you consider that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. It’s estimated that around 697,000 people in the U.S. alone died from heart disease in 2020 and that one person dies every 34 seconds from cardiovascular disease.

To help combat heart disease and spread awareness about the importance of preventing heart disease by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet, February has been designated as American Heart Awareness Month.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Heart

To reduce the risk of heart disease, be sure to implement the following lifestyle and diet habits wherever you live in California:

  • Exercise regularly: Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of heart disease, so maintaining a healthy weight should be your goal. Furthermore, regular physical activity can improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve sleep, all of which benefit your heart health.
  • Eat heart-healthy foods: Eating a balanced diet is essential to reducing your risk of developing heart disease. Avoid processed foods, high-sugar snacks, and saturated fats as much as possible. These types of foods are often high in cholesterol, which can increase your risk of heart disease.
  • Reduce stress: Stress causes several physical changes in the body that can increase your risk of heart disease. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, can cause inflammation and raise blood pressure. To reduce stress, focus on activities that help you relax, such as yoga or meditation.
  • Limit alcohol consumption: Alcohol can increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and irregular heartbeat. If you choose to drink, keep it in moderation.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking can damage your blood vessels, making them less efficient in delivering oxygen to the heart. As such, quitting can significantly reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Be sure to implement these lifestyle and dietary habits to improve your overall heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease. For more health tips, be sure to visit us at The Benefits Store.

5 Fire Safety Tips for Kids

fire safety for kids

If you have children, you’ll want to keep them safe in every situation. Unfortunately, there are a lot of everyday situations that can be hazardous to children that you may not have considered. For example, many common fire safety risks can put your family’s lives in danger if you’re unaware. It’s estimated that around 300 children die from fire or burn-related injuries every year, while more than 100,000 children are treated for burn injuries in hospitals or ERs every year. It’s why February 6 to 12 has been designated as National Burn Awareness Week.

With that in mind, you should know the following are some critical fire safety tips to keep your children safe.

5 Fire Safety Tips

If you have children, then you need to be even more aware of the hazards posed by fire and other burn injuries. Here are five essential tips to help keep your kids safe:

  1. Speak with your children: It’s important to talk with your children about the dangers of fire. Explain that if they come across a fire, they should move away from it, not touch it, and tell an adult. They should also tell an adult if they find a lighter or matches lying around.
  2. Practice an evacuation plan: Teach your children how to recognize a fire emergency and practice an evacuation plan in your home. During a fire drill, explain why everyone must move quickly away from the area and to safety.
  3. Install smoke alarms: Smoke alarms are essential to warn your family of potential fires and smoke in the home. Install a few on each floor and test them regularly. 
  4. Never leave children unattended around fire: You should never leave children unsupervised around any open flame, such as a stove or lit candles.
  5. Practice grill safety: If you have a charcoal or gas grill, never use it indoors. Also, always keep it far away from the house and children when in use. That way, you can be sure that everyone stays safe.

These five fire safety tips are essential to protecting your children from potential fire hazards in California. For more safety tips, visit us at The Benefits Store today.

Warning Signs of an Eating Disorder

An eating disorder is a severe mental health condition that can have a profoundly negative impact on a person’s physical and emotional health. It’s estimated that around 9% of the U.S. population will have such a disorder at some point in their lifetime. Unfortunately, such disorders can be difficult to recognize, and many people who have one may not even realize it.

What Are Eating Disorders?

These psychological disorders are characterized by an unhealthy preoccupation with food, body weight, and shape. Such disorders include:

  • Anorexia nervosa: a disorder characterized by extreme weight loss due to an obsession with being thin, which can lead to malnutrition and other health complications.
  • Bulimia nervosa: a disorder characterized by an obsessive need to purge calories, often through excessive vomiting or laxative use.
  • Binge-eating disorder: a disorder characterized by binging on large amounts of food in a short period of time, followed by guilt and shame.

How to Spot the Warning Signs

The following are a few signs that you or a loved one might be suffering from a disorder with eating:

  • Significant weight loss, such as if the person is below 85% of their ideal body weight (remember that some of these disorders don’t always result in weight loss).
  • Obsession with food, calories, and dieting.
  • Avoidance of social activities related to eating.
  • Constantly making negative comments about their body weight or physical appearance.
  • Suddenly developing a dislike for foods they once liked.
  • Developing eating rituals, such as cutting food into tiny pieces or eating in secret.
  • Engaging in secretive behaviors, such as hiding food wrappers or visiting the bathroom after.
  • Developing physical symptoms, such as hair loss, gray skin, fainting spells, disrupted sleep patterns, dental erosions, low blood pressure, constipation, and more.

To help spread awareness about the disorder, February has been designated as Eating Disorders Awareness and Screening Month. If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of the warning signs, it’s important to seek professional help in California right away. For more health advice, visit us at The Benefits Store today.

Shining a Light on Low Vision: Why Awareness Matters

Low vision is a visual impairment that affects millions of people around the world. People with low vision have difficulty seeing even with corrective lenses, and this can impact their ability to perform everyday tasks, such as reading, driving, and using electronic devices. Low vision can occur due to a variety of reasons, including aging, eye diseases, and genetic conditions.

Low vision can be a challenging condition to deal with, as it can impact a person’s independence and quality of life. However, with the right support and tools, people with low vision can continue to lead fulfilling lives.

One of the most important things when it comes to low vision is awareness. Many people do not know what low vision is, or what kind of support is available to people who have this condition. By raising awareness about low vision, we can help people to understand what it is, and to be more supportive of those who have it.

One way to raise awareness about low vision is to share stories from people who have this condition. By hearing about their experiences, people can gain a better understanding of what low vision is, and how it impacts people’s lives. These stories can be shared through social media, blogs, or other online platforms.

Another way to raise awareness about low vision is to provide information about the condition and the resources available to those who have it. This information can be shared through public service announcements, educational campaigns, or other outreach efforts. There are many organizations that provide support and resources to people with low vision, and it is important to make sure that people know about these resources.

In addition to raising awareness about low vision, it is also important to take steps to support people with this condition. This can include making changes to the physical environment to make it more accessible, providing assistive technology and devices, and offering training and support to help people with low vision navigate their daily lives.

Overall, low vision is a condition that affects many people, and it is important to raise awareness about it in order to provide support and understanding to those who have it. By sharing stories, providing information, and offering support, we can help people with low vision to live full and independent lives.

Contact The Benefits Store today for you and your families Vision Insurance needs!

What Causes Glaucoma?

Glaucoma Causes

Glaucoma is a condition characterized by damage to the eye’s optic nerve. Glaucoma causes vision loss and even blindness if left untreated. It is a leading cause of blindness worldwide, affecting over 60 million people. Understanding what causes glaucoma can help you recognize the signs and get early treatment. It’s why January has been designated as Glaucoma Awareness Month.

What Are the Symptoms That Glaucoma Causes?

Early detection is key to preventing vision loss from glaucoma. Knowing the signs and symptoms can help you get treatment in California before damage occurs. Symptoms of glaucoma may include:

  • Blurry vision
  • Loss of peripheral vision
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Eye pain, redness, or irritation
  • Headaches
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Adjusting to dim lighting

What Causes Glaucoma?

Glaucoma occurs when fluid pressure builds up in the eye, damaging the optic nerve. That happens because of a breakdown in the drainage system that allows fluid to escape from the eye. The increased pressure can cause vision loss, and if left untreated, it can lead to severe damage and permanent blindness.

Several factors can contribute to the buildup of pressure in the eye, including:

  • Genetics – A family history of glaucoma increases your risk.
  • Age – Glaucoma is more common in people over 55.
  • Medical Issues – Conditions such as diabetes, sickle cell anemia, or high blood pressure can increase your risk.
  • Eye Injuries – Trauma to the eye can damage the drainage system, leading to glaucoma.
  • Race – African Americans and Hispanics are at a higher risk of developing glaucoma.
  • Medications – Some medications, such as corticosteroid medicines, can increase your risk for glaucoma.
  • Other Diseases or Disorders – Diseases such as thyroid disease or degenerative retinal diseases can increase your risk.

An Eye Exam Is the Best Way to Diagnose Glaucoma

Understanding what symptoms glaucoma causes and taking steps to reduce your risk is important. Regular eye exams are one of the best ways to detect glaucoma early and get treatment. Early diagnosis can help you keep your vision and prevent the loss of sight. For more health information and advice, visit us at The Benefits Store today.