Posts Categorized: Health Tips

Dangerous Mosquitos Found in California: Know Your Risks

Two new non-native species of mosquito have been found in California, and health officials are warning the public to take necessary steps to safeguard their families. The mosquitoes in question are the Aedes aegypti, or yellow fever mosquito, and the Aeges albopictus, or Asian tiger mosquito. Both species are known to carry infectious diseases that…

Your October 2015 Checklist

Pumpkins and leaves

The fall season is in full swing now that it is October. The fall season marks the beginning of the holiday season for many, with Halloween and Thanksgiving being two of the major holidays that many look forward to. Before beginning to prepare for these holidays, check out the following October checklist first: Fire safety…

How do Bone Fractures Really Heal?

X-ray of broken bone

Fractured bones are relatively common injuries treated by orthopedists. All fractured bones go through a similar healing process that consists of four stages. Depending on the severity of the fracture, the healing process can take a longer time. The following are the basic stages of the process of healing of bone fractures: The inflammation stage –…

5 Health Tips for Your California Summer

Summery woman portrait

It can get pretty hot during the summer here in California. In addition to purchasing health insurance to protect you financially should anything happen to your health, you should also take precautions against the summer heat in order to ensure that you don’t have to use your health insurance. The following are five summer health…